Get Involved As A Parent,
Caregiver, or Advocate
Parents & Caregivers
Of Queer And Gender Nonconforming Youth
The teenage years can be challenging for both youth and their parents. Research suggests that queer and gender nonconforming teens experience better health outcomes when their parents support their sexual orientation positively and affirmatively. Compared to teens who do not feel valued by their parents, LGBTQ+ youth who feel valued by their parents are less likely to
Experience depression
Attempt suicide
Use drugs and alcohol
Become infected with sexually transmitted diseases
But - this is all easier said than done. We recognize as a parent; you too might be feeling alone in this experience. At Rainbow Labs, we believe parents of queer and gender-nonconforming youth deserve a community. Parents who have their youth part of our program will get connected to a network of resources - and other parents - who they can talk and share their experiences with.
Parents are always welcome to email us questions or thoughts too at info@rainbowlabs.org.
We need advocates to support and uplift our community. Advocates are parents, friends, family, co-workers, and much more. From the AIDS crisis to Marriage Equality, advocates have walked alongside the community, supporting our needs for equal rights. Rainbow Labs calls on advocates to get involved by:
Fundraising (donating/in-kind)
Spreading awareness of our organization’s mission and the challenges queer and gender nonconfirming youth face
Bringing your expertise to enhance our programming and overall organization’s mission
Advocates can contact us via email at info@rainbowlabs.org if they want to get involved in these ways or have your ideas.