Get Involved As A Mentor
“I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” — Maya Angelou
Mentoring is a life-changing experience.
For every 5,000 youth mentoring programs across the United States, only five focus on queer and gender nonconforming youth.
Our youth now need queer and gender nonconforming adults more than ever - and it starts with you.
All of our programs offer different experiences for both mentors and mentees.
Creating Safe Spaces
You get an opportunity to create the first or one of the many safe spaces our queer and gender nonconforming youth need. You remember finding your first safe space - and how important this was to embracing your entire identity.
Shared New Experiences
Just as you might be having your first experience as a mentor with Rainbow Labs, many of our youth are too. Sharing new experiences with others can elevate the sense of belonging and connection.
Facilitating Friendships
Being a teenager can be awkward. We all remember. But having a mentor break the ice, make it fun, and facilitate connection can make the experience of meeting new friends and people much easier.
Some highlights of becoming a mentor include:
The Mentor Experience.
Check out the video below, detailing their experiences as a mentor in our programming.
Want to learn more about becoming a mentor?
Email us at info@rainbowlabs.org.